Gender pay gap
We are an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
This report has been compiled from our data as at, 5th April 2023 when our workforce consisted of 501 team members out of which 395 were women and 106 were men. The report is being published in line with the guidance issued relating to the data to be included in the report.
The figures show that our organisation has a mean gender pay gap of -0.25% and a median gender pay gap of 1.64%
As the majority of our workforce are hotel-based and female, we have extracted the data from a percentage of our workforce, employed at the snapshot date, including the Commercial environments in which we operate and from a smaller percentage of staff, based remotely or working in back-end roles.
We are pleased to note that our organisation has a mean gender pay gap of -0.25% which compares favourably to UK’s last published mean gender pay gap. We are hopeful that changes to the workforce and better market conditions will create a balanced statistic for us in the next report.
Our Gender Pay Gap reflects the average paid to men and women across our business and is not a comparison of pay rates for men and women doing work of equal value. We aim to ensure that there is no bias towards either gender from the point of recruitment right through to salary conversations and progression opportunities within the business
Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay = 0.3%
Median gender pay gap in hourly pay = -1.6%
Norma Bresciani
Managing Director