Preparing for Autumn
September 2023
Our amazing Workplace Coach, Lily-Jo recommends her plan as we enter the Autumn.
As the seasons change and we approach autumn, here are my top tips on how to maintain good mental health using my
AUTUMN acronym.
sk for support: remember, sharing is caring. Asking for support doesn’t make you weak, it strengthens your relationships, and gives others the chance to help you, just like I’m sure you help them!
p your nutrition: eating seasonal vegetables that are readily available throughout the season is perfect for our health. Try a pumpkin or sweet potato recipe for a boost in Vitamin C which supports your immune system.
alk about how you are feeling: Who do you trust? Get in touch with them and book some time with your closest people. We are all mad busy, but even if you can’t meet in person for a few weeks, you’ll have something nice to look forward to.
nder a duvet (two U’s were a struggle!): Pull those extra blankets, cozy socks and water bottles out from storage, and get cosy. As the darker nights approach, embrace the cosiness Autumn has to offer.
aintain relationships: Don’t forget to connect and have fun with those closest to you. Autumn can sometimes be an isolating time as everyone goes into their homes to hibernate. Make sure you balance with some fun in the mix.
ature connection: I got my scarf out of the cupboard this morning! Wrap up in waterproofs, wellie boots, and your warm coats and explore nature where you live. Getting out under the clouds can still boost your wellbeing and give you perspective.
to all our Team Members and Clients.